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Vape Kit Reviews


by Azim Aleem 31 Aug 2020
the evolution of vape coil

Let’s walk down the memory lane, we know where we are right now but not many of us know from where did we start actually. Vape coil is one of the very major part of your vape device. They’re responsible for the flavour and for the vapour production.

It’s good if we know where were we at the start and where we are now so,

Let’s have a look at:

The Beginning

April 1963, a guy named Herbert Gilbert filed for a right on the smokeless non-tobacco cigarette.

At that time the smokeless non-tobacco cigarette patent failed and did not make it into stores. The idea was born-again in 2003. This time by a Chinese doctor named Hon Lik.

The basics of his design for the e-cigarette were on ultrasonic atomization, he formed an easy to operate three-piece setup with an uncanny resemblance to the traditional cigarettes.

The idea got approved and the sale started in 2004.

Just after 2 years, meaning in 2006, the next big thing hit the was the combination of the atomizer and the flavour cartridge into one called the cartomizer.

The inventors of this big hit were, Umar and Tariq Sheikh of XL Distributors, for this design they opted for simple resistance wire heating element wrapped up in cotton.

The Resistance wire technology was the foundation for the speedy development of consumer technology.


After the powerful era of the cartomizer until 2011, the coil resistance was normally around 2 or 2.5 ohms and sketched small amounts of power.

Only until the Dual Coils were introduced into larger, high-capacity cartomizers, that had much greater vapour production. With these advancements, everything got bigger gradually.

A carto tank was introduced – a ported cartomizer inside a glass or plastic reservoir, which had boosted juice capacity.

In early 2012, clearomizers were introduced which used wicking systems as an alternative of packed cotton.

Just after 2 years, meaning in 2006, the next big thing hit the was the combination of the atomizer and the flavour cartridge into one called the cartomizer.

The inventors of this big hit were, Umar and Tariq Sheikh of XL Distributors, for this design they opted for simple resistance wire heating element wrapped up in cotton.

The DIY sector of the market blew up in 2013. RDA’s – rebuildable dripping atomizers were first developed in 2012 it simply became the hobbyist’s apparatus of choice.

The main reasons were that


  • large multi-coil sub-ohm setups to be built
  • For drippers, dual coil became the standard
  • triple and quad coil became real options

The plug-and-play system came along almost as quickly. In late 2012, tanks started using coils that could be removed and exchanged with pre-manufactured substitutes.

Bottom-fed coils also came to the market shortly after. Adjustable airflow and dual coil systems were introduced to create more vapours and better flavours.

post cartomizer

The Temp Control Revolution

Many vapers searched for the ultimate raw vapour output, for that new radical technology was developed that allowed the user to control the temperature as easily as they control wattage.

Evolve LLC, were the makers of the first variable wattage mod back in 2010, in 2014 they came up with the temperature control feature with the DNA 40 chipset.

These chips used Nickel 200 wire as a replacement for of Kanthal or Nichrome because Nickel’s resistance changes with the temperature, that allowed the chip to target temperature by monitoring the resistance and adjusting power output.

Soon, Nickel 200 wire faced competition from the titanium wire and finally stainless-steel, which could be used as temperature control or wattage. All of these materials have gained their own audience.


We can say every vape coil has a journey and at this point where we are standing today it took a lot of experiments, failures and achievement to get here.

As the vaping industry is growing fast day by day we’re expecting to see more and more advancement.

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